
Your Independent Advisor

At BoFinans København, we only work for you and your interests. We strive towards being your preferred financial sounding board. That is why we focus on your needs - no one else's. Our goal is for you to always have the best solution for your financial situation. We emphasize a straightforward and honest dialogue, as we believe that to be the best way forward for everybody involved.

We help everyone, private households, businesses, housing co-operatives and municipalities. No matter your situation, we are ready to share our experience with you.

To us, chemistry is important. That is why we always offer the first meeting free of charge - and with no strings attached. We believe that good chemistry, together with a straightforward and honest dialogue, creates the strongest foundation for a partnership that will cause an increased financial value for you.

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Rådhuspladsen 16
1550 København V

Phone: 20 92 45 32
E-mail: hb@bofinans.dk

Office Hours:
Mon-Friday: 8.30 - 16.30

Contact Us

Would you like a  casual meeting?

Contact us

Helle Buch | Independent Advisor
Tlf. 20 92 45 32 | hb@bofinans.dk

Tim Kristensen | Independent Advisor
Tlf. 31 56 62 41 | tk@bofinans.dk

Jacob Kyed | Student Employee & Analyst
Tlf. 20 85 22 08 | jk@bofinans.dk

Get 1 free hour of financial counseling - Without any obligations

Would you like to know more about how our capable advisors can help you with your financial reflections? Fill out this form and receive a call from us in which we go through the possibilities hidden within your finances. Contacting us is completely non binding, and the first talk is always free. You will not be charged for our counseling, unless we agree on an advantageous strategy for your financial situation.

Get in contact with us

Fill out this contact form and receive a phone call from us

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You may also call 20 92 45 32 on week days 8:30 - 16:30
or send an e-mail to hb@bofinans.dk